1.0-5 fixes following bugs: The app should now work with Android 2.2 (connecting always failed with older versions of the app) Inventory view now shows running machines without VMWare tools correctly as powered on Fixes the crashing alarm view from 1.0-4 And introduces these two features: Improved alarms view If a „message of the day“ …
Kategorie: Android
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/virtual-viewer-1-0-5-released/
Nov. 11
Virtual Viewer 1.0-4 released
I just uploaded v1.0-4 of Virtual Viewer to Android market, which brings at least one exciting improvement: Inventory View!! The former datacenter view has improved vastly, you can now dig into the folders and view your virtual machines and templates and view status and informations. A new sessions view which allows you to see who’s …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/virtual-viewer-1-0-4-released/
Okt. 21
Virtual Viewer 1.0-3
So I released v1.0-3, which brings a few fixes and improvements. Whats new? Better error handling (and messages) when connecting Fixed the error message when pressing the back button „Loading…“ note, when opening a view Password is not necessary anymore (for insane setups) Fixes for handling ESXi 4.1 Fixed some strings, modified login screen, new …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/virtual-viewer-1-0-3/
Sep. 28
Virtual Viewer 1.0-2
I just wanted to mention that I released an update for my android app Virtual Viewer: 1.0-2 Virtual Viewer lets you login to a VMware vCenter or to an ESX and retrieve some informations for you. The update comes with an inital Alarms and Datacenter view.
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/virtual-viewer-1-0-2/
Sep. 22
Virtual Viewer Project Page
The Virtual Viewer Project page is now available. Currently I’m still working on showing active alarms. This is already working fine, but still needs some polishing. An update should be out soon.
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/virtual-viewer-project-page/
Sep. 19
Virtual Viewer
I’m currently working on an Android application, which makes it possible to view information and stats of a VMware vCenter or VMware ESX (vSphere). The first version is already on the market: steffmeister Virtual Viewer 1.0. At the moment it doesn’t do much. The login to vCenter is working and some info is displayed. I’d …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/virtual-viewer/
Juni 22
DangerSPL and CyanogenMod: english keyboard layout
After updating my HTC Dream from CyanogenMod 5.0.7 to 5.0.8 my keyboard layout has suddenly changed to english (QWERTY. I found the solution in the CyanogenMod wiki, a bit hidden. . To solve the problem open a terminal on the phone and enter following: [CODE BASH] su mount /system -o rw,remount cd /system/usr/keylayout cp trout-keypad-qwertz.kl …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/dangerspl-and-cyanogenmod-english-keyboard-layout/
Feb. 24
Revert HTC Dream (G1) to original firmware
Guid for european phones only! It worked for me, but I don’t give any kind of warranty! After some time using the alternative firmware CyanogenMod I wanted to test the original T-Mobile ROM again. Later I was forced because my phone wasn’t able to boot anymore because I flashed a wrong firmware. The Wiki on …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/revert-htc-dream-g1-to-original-firmware/
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