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- Typo3 auto fill tt_news news article author — 2 Kommentare
Juni 22
After updating my HTC Dream from CyanogenMod 5.0.7 to 5.0.8 my keyboard layout has suddenly changed to english (QWERTY. I found the solution in the CyanogenMod wiki, a bit hidden. . To solve the problem open a terminal on the phone and enter following: [CODE BASH] su mount /system -o rw,remount cd /system/usr/keylayout cp trout-keypad-qwertz.kl …
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Juni 02
Last time I tested how to swap an image if you hover on it with the mouse. Today, the same, but this time the image swape is realised via plain CSS. [CODE HTML4STRICT] Test [/CODE] If you like to place a link on the image you’ll just have to surround the div tag with an …
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Mai 15
With the following JavaScript it is easy to reokace an image with another when the mouse is hovering over it: [CODE javascript] function imgreplace(Image,Url) { document.images[Image].src = Url; } [/CODE] The HTML code for the image looks like this: [CODE HTML] [/CODE] The normal.png is replaced with hover.png when the mouse hovers over the image …
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Feb. 24
Guid for european phones only! It worked for me, but I don’t give any kind of warranty! After some time using the alternative firmware CyanogenMod I wanted to test the original T-Mobile ROM again. Later I was forced because my phone wasn’t able to boot anymore because I flashed a wrong firmware. The Wiki on …
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Feb. 24
You all know Captain Kirk from Star Trek: I’m sorry, I can’t here you over the sound how awesome I am.
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Feb. 18
Something that always bugged me about the TYPO3 backend was the message „Your session may have expired. Do you want to login again?“ after every hour I was idle, so I looked for a solution: All you have to do is to set following in your typconf/localconf.php file: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[‚BE‘][’sessionTimeout‘] = ‚7200‘; This will set the …
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