Since the original developer wasn’t responding and I really need this fast I decided to fork the original TMDB PHP library located here: The fork is called tmdbphp and is located here: I updated it with a few fixes and additional methods. Feedback is welcome.
Kategorie: PHP
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Sep. 02
5 „good-to-know-basics“ of Joomla component development
I just developed a Joomla 1.6 component for a private project and came across some things which I believe are good to know. So I decided to note 5 things here: Include JavaScript / CSS files Adding a JavaScript or CSS file to the header section of the HTML is quite simple and elegant (well …
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Mai 10
Copy SQL records
Just found myself needing a way to copy and modify SQL records in one process. I came up with the following PHP code which is rather ugly but works: // open mysql connection and stuff … // select rows you want to copy, adapt as needed $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE pid=2"); // …
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Juni 23
Selfmade TYPO3 backend modul: scrollbar problem
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