I just developed a Joomla 1.6 component for a private project and came across some things which I believe are good to know. So I decided to note 5 things here: Include JavaScript / CSS files Adding a JavaScript or CSS file to the header section of the HTML is quite simple and elegant (well …
Kategorie: CMS
Sep. 02
5 „good-to-know-basics“ of Joomla component development
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/5-good-to-know-basics-of-joomla-component-development/
Apr. 15
Typo3 auto fill tt_news news article author
I finally found a typo3 extension to pre-fill the author field when creating a news article. The name of the extension is „cron_setdefaultauthor“. Get it here. Yay!
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/typo3-auto-fill-tt_news-news-article-author/
Juni 23
Selfmade TYPO3 backend modul: scrollbar problem
While programming a typo3 extension I came across the following problem: my backend module didn’t show any scrollbars. This made it impossible to scroll down to the end of a list to view all elements. After some looking around I found the CSS class typo3-mod-php which has set the property „overflow“ to „hidden“. Seems to …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/selfmade-typo3-backend-modul-scrollbar-problem/
Feb. 18
TYPO3 backend session timeout
Something that always bugged me about the TYPO3 backend was the message „Your session may have expired. Do you want to login again?“ after every hour I was idle, so I looked for a solution: All you have to do is to set following in your typconf/localconf.php file: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[‚BE‘][’sessionTimeout‘] = ‚7200‘; This will set the …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://techblog.steffmeister.at/typo3-backend-session-timeout/
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